Body Clearing is a gentle, fast and proven way to correct the imbalances causing pain, symptoms and inflammation.

Release The Subconscious Blocks Causing Mind-Body Imbalances And Address Holistically Chronic Pain, Symptoms, and Diseases.

Subconscious Blocks → Negative Thoughts → Overwhelming Emotions →  Unproductive Behavior…

Outcome: Chronic pain, symptoms and diseases

Subconscious Clearing → Beneficial Thoughts → Supportive Emotions → Desirable Behavior…

Outcome: Healthy, symptoms free and full of Energy

We do so by following the 3 simple steps of Body Clearing

Step 1

DELETE Mind-Body imbalances

Step 2

DOWNLOAD Homeostasis

Step 3

CREATE a pain, symptoms & disease free life

Can you relate?

Do you feel bad that you have to say NO to your loved ones because you are experiencing chronic pain & symptoms and simply do not have the energy to be present for them?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night because you are in pain or your mind won’t turn off?

Are there times you have to spend so much time managing your symptoms that your life is passing you by?

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of chronic pain, disease and symptoms?

Do you struggle to find relief from the debilitating symptoms that hold you back?

Do you feel at times lonely and responsible for burdening the lives of the people that are supporting you?

The Body Clearing Model in Chronic Illness

  • The cause of the imbalance and the ability of recovery reside within the living mind-body. 
  • The imbalances come from subconscious blocks rather than coming from a separate disease. 
  • The mind-body can fully heal itself when the subconscious blocks are deleted resulting in a balanced mind-body system, dis-ease free and optimal health, 

Benefits of body clearing

✅Improved mental health    
✅Boost emotional health
✅Enhanced physical well-being
✅Illness prevention
✅ Improved vitality, energy and drive
✅ Maximize wellness


You can improve your pain and symptoms in minutes…
You’ll be able to help your chronic condition fast… 

You’ll experience fast and long lasting results, even if you think you’ve been everywhere and tried everything, with no success.


If you’re like most chronic patients we work with, you’re very committed to improving your health. However, you’re probably not as educated as you would like when it comes to knowing how to do it. 

The truth is that the health care system helps us to address our symptoms using drugs and surgeries but does very little to help us to completely heal from our ailments by addressing the root causes of our health problem.

Chronic patients use Mind Clearing because it fills this critical gap by treating Mind-Body imbalances naturally.

We can achieve that by releasing the subconscious blocks causing chronic pain, symptoms, and health challenges…  

Even if you think you’ve been everywhere and tried everything, with no success.

The most successful patients are those that recognize that they have to take charge of their health.

So,  they understand the need to address the causes of the dis-ease not just the symptoms in their healing journey— to truly heal from their ailments…

And that’s why they turn to Mind Clearing.